1. Transnational Partner Meeting – Kick-Off-Meeting in Berlin, Germany
On November 9 and 10, 2017, the partners of the Kit@ project from Germany, Portugal, Greece, Bulgaria and Slovakia met for the first time in Berlin for a kick-off meeting. The work plan for the three upcoming project years was discussed and responsibilities of the partners were assigned. It was crucial to discuss the six planned project results (Intellectual Outputs – IOs). In addition, each project partner was given the opportunity to introduce themselves with their fields of work and areas of competence. Getting to know each other personally and social exchange were important elements for a good basis for further collaboration.

2. Transnational Partner Meeting in Lisbon, Portugal
The KIT@ project held its 2nd transnational project meeting on 29th and 30th May 2018, in Lisbon, Portugal. We met at ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa to discuss (1) the state of the art on media education in Europe, (2) principles and guidelines for further work, and the (3) content and structure of our interactive manual. We also listened to Fado in Alfama!

3. Transnational Partner Meeting in Sofia, Bulgaria
Kit@’s 3rd transnational project meeting (TPM) was held in Sofia, Bulgaria on 13th and 14th November 2018. Project partners from Germany, Slovakia, Greece, Portugal and Bulgaria worked and reported on the progress of the projects results – the intellectual outputs (IOs). ISCTE -Portugal informed the partners about their work on the Analysis and requirements catalogue. E&G -Germany discussed their advancement on the creation of the modular training for Media literacy, while the hosts from MOMA presented their view on the development of the web-based e-learning tool, that will put all project results in one interactive place. The German partner G3 presented the remaining IOs that started in the months before this TPM. The meeting was held in a place at the foot of Vitosha mountain, where stunning views of Sofia could be seen.

4. Transnational Partner Meeting in Syros, Greece
The 4th Transnational Partners’ Meeting of the Erasmus+ Project KIT@ was held on Syros island, Greece, on 9th and 10th April 2019 by the hosting partner EDUCATIONAL DYNAMICS at 4, Arch. Komninou St., Hermoupolis, 84100 Syros, Greece.
The topics that were presented and discussed during the 2-day meeting were the intellectual outcomes IO1 by the partner INSTITUTO UNIVERSITARIO DE LISBOA (Portugal), IO2 by the partner E&G Projekt Agentur GmbH (Germany), IO3 by the partner MOMA (Bulgaria), IO4 and IO5 by the partner Generationen gehen gemeinsam G3 e.V. (Germany).
The progress of the intellectual outcomes was closely monitored and some adjustments were made to meet the objectives that had been set.
On the 2nd day the partner Skoladokoran – Wide Open School n. o. (Slovakia) presented the structure and organisation of the Focus Groups E1-E6 that would be implemented in all partners’ countries in spring 2020. Educational Dynamics (Greece) presented the structure and organisation of Vocational Education and Training C1-C6 events that would be held in Germany, Greece and Slovakia in spring 2020.
On the 2nd day a class of Kindergarten students 4-6 years old with their English teacher Ms Chrysanthi Meramveliotaki from Educational Dynamics English Centre presented the interactive game Create a character! which had been planned in relation to the intellectual outcome O4.
The cultural event of the TPM included a visit to the historic Town Hall of Hermoupolis and a walking tour in the medieval town of Ano Syros.
Finally, new milestones were set for all concurrent intellectual outcomes for the following months.

5. Transnational Partner Meeting in Bratislava, Slovakia
Skola dokoran – Wide Open School n. o. organized the fifth transnational project meeting. The meeting took place in Bratislava, Slovakia on 12 and 13 November 2019. The Slovak partner is based in Ziar nad Hronom, but the meeting place was changed to Bratislava (LOFT Hotel Bratislava) due to the problems with travel connections.
During the 2-day TPM project partners from 5 countries discussed the current situation in the development of intellectual outputs IO1 – IO6, as well as the preparatory work for organizing of Focus groups E1 – E6 and providing Vocational Education and Training events C1 – C6. Responsible partners were introducing all the necessary materials, goals, planned activities and expected results of these activities.
As a part of the social activities we visited the Old Town of Bratislava with all its historical monuments and used the time we spent together to plan our future collaboration.
At the end of the meeting all partners agreed on future steps and tasks that need to be finalized during the next period and set deadlines for each intellectual output or activity.

6. Transnational Partner Meeting in Finsterwalde, Germany
The sixth transnational project meeting between the five project partners took place in Finsterwalde, Germany on 10 and 11 March 2020. The project group met in the beautiful protestant community centre of the Trinitatis parish in Finsterwalde, Germany to discuss the current project results and the last open tasks. In addition, the partners from Greece, Bulgaria and Slovakia had the opportunity to visit the premises of the practice partner of the protestant kindergarten “Regenbogen” in Finsterwalde. Special attention was paid to the methods of practical integration of media education in kindergarten “Regenbogen”.
As an additional programme, the partners took part in a historical guided tour of Finsterwald and were able to enjoy regional German cuisine at the “Gasthaus Stuckatz” in Dollenchen on Tuesday evening.

7. Transnational Partner Meeting – Online/Finsterwalde, Germany
Due to the corona pandemic, the seventh and last Transnational Project Meeting could not take place in Potsdam, Germany, as planned. Therefore, it was unfortunately not possible for the partners to meet in person again. So, the meeting was held online on June 16 and 17, 2020, without further ado. The German partners from G3, E&G and the protestant kindergarten “Regenbogen” met on site at the premises of E&G. The current results as well as the realisation of the focus group workshops and media literacy trainings were discussed. Due to corona and nationally very strict lockdowns, there were shifts in work processes in some areas. Especially events with people, such as the focus group workshops, had to be postponed to a later date. As this meant that unfortunately not all project tasks could be completed by the last partner meeting, there will be a last short online meeting of all project partners in August, shortly before the end of the project, to evaluate the last three project years accordingly and to celebrate project successes.